Thursday, September 17, 2009

The first post

Well this is the first time i have decided to blog about things that i really feel strongly about.I guess i have had it with people around me being too immersed into popular culture and forgetting about the actual ground realities we live in(or may be stuff i just want to write about).

For example, last year during my management class, my teacher again started to rant about the fact that India has advanced by leaps and bounds, that we'll be a developed economy by 2025 and our workforce quality is such that good jobs are just flowing in from abroad etc.etc

I had not realised that subconsciously,this continued gloating had actually infuriated me.I mean, the small good that had happened due to economic liberalization was worth mentioning but the mass media, in its naivete had actually made the public believe that a large part of India had access to a better standard of living.

What really irked me is that the urban populace almost chose to forget about 70% of our country's population for whom a full belly is a luxury and many of which go hungry every night?
For our rural and urban poor, education and medical assistance are luxuries,let alone electricity and proper roads.

All the politicians try to claim that it was their clique or their party which is responsible for the benefits which the current economic boom has given us.They conveniently choose to forget that their work is not only to remove archaic laws but also ensure that that each strata of the society benefits from the this development.

So when my teacher again proudly chose to discuss this subject in class,i could not restrain myself and instead chose to tell him how hypocritical and shallow it was for us to completely focus on the increase in our economy's service sector instead of concentrating on the primary(including agriculture and mining) and industrial sectors, which will result in the creation of more jobs for the poor.I thought maybe some of my classmates shared my opinion,but they just appeared shocked and chose not to comment at all.Later i found them discussing Rakhi Sawant's antics in big boss.

I decided that maybe what i said was not actually that important and chose to forget whatever my subconscious had prompted me to say.This incident happened about 2 years ago and till a few weeks ago i was pretty much occupied with my life,without any guilt pangs bursting out at inopportune moments.

Anyhow,i regularly go to jog in a neighbouring park which is surrounded by a few jhuggis(huts).
Some small kids that stay there often come out and play in the park.Usually i don't differentiate between people just on the basis of their looks or background so i sat alongside them and played a little bit of cricket.Later while i was chatting with one of them i came to realize that he could count as well as do basic math.

I was surprised so i asked him whether he actually went to a school or not.He told me that the place where he lived earlier used to have a ngo-run school but now as his father had shifted here,he did'nt have much to do except loiter around and while away his time.

I looked at the boy who was about 10-11 years of age and suddenly felt a weird sense of empathy.Normally people say i am pretty emotionless but this time this small kid,with eager,bright eyes,an innocent smile and a polite demeanor stirred something in me.His father was a labourer and he was bound to follow in his footsteps.It was almost like it was planned as a course of nature or a mannerism of fate.Yet still, i thought that this boy could turn his life around
and gain access to a better life if only he had access to basic education.

Moved by something for the first time in my life, i tried to contact a few friends who worked in ngo's but it turned out that they were located really far away.I could not find a route through which the boy could attend school within the supervision of his parents.

It has been a few weeks since i tried to find a school for him and did not find anything.At times i feel like a hypocrite myself for pretending to care about others and when the opportunity to help someone came by me,i let it pass.

Nyhow whenever i see him around the park i do feel a bit sad for him and to ease my guilt,i play a little game of cricket with him.By letting him win,i guess my sense of guilt lessens by a great degree.

1.I apologise for any grammatical errors,as i have spent too much time on facebook and instant messaging.Bad habits take some time to wear off.

2.Any comments any suggests are welcome.Please do help me out.

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