Tuesday, December 3, 2013

I Hate Love

It was clear how much he loved her.
 His heart beat every second, hurting him in the process.
Every waking thought was of her.
She didn’t have any time for him.
She thought his attention was a deterrent.
In her own mind, she was off to see the stars.
So she dust him off her heels like dust.
He longed for her, pined for her.
She adored her new found freedom.
Him, not so much.
Love is a cruel mistress.
At times she is gentle and euphoric.
At times she will take pleasure in ripping out every piece of your soul.
A man can take on physical torment with varying degrees of success. But you atleast have a fighting chance.
How do u tackle that sly cunning bastard, emotion, who hides in your heart with pinpricks and daggers, stabbing you at inopportune times.
It is said that time heals. But why do we have to take this bullshit from that little bastard.
Why does it have to ruin his life, drain the pleasure from everything.
Make the mundane seem sad.

I hate love.